Friday, February 18, 2011

CWHFA (Kwee-Fah) Adopts NOT

TRAWNA – (GOSH Wine News Services) – GOSH Wine News Services has just learned that there has been widespread adaptation by various wine writing groups, such as the Canadian Wine Hacks and Flacks Association, of the word "NOT".


Apparently, the key word NOT is now being used in Canada to mean one different concept when said in context of another concept, and that the two could be mutually exclusive but only in certain circumstances, as in "Not necessarily bilingualism, but bilingualism if necessary".


For example, it is now permissible to speak of VNOTQA wines such as the former CellaredInCanada™ or (the newly minted term) InternationalandCanadianBlends™. These are, of course, VNOTQA wines. Similarly, the new ICNOTB wines can be quite parallel to the VQA wines, and indeed will be priced as such.


The LCBO, according to "Not the Nine O'Clock News", will have to contend with its rival, the LNOTCBO, which is responsible for home made wine, (not) Fruit Wines of Ontario, and the FauxVoixVinCuisine website. Of course, the whole matter should be non-referential except for that latter sentence.


Both the LCBO, a Clown, er, Clone, er, Crown Corporation of A Have-NOT (that word again!!) Province, and the LNOTCBO, A Have Province Unto Its Own, will stock the ICNOTB and VNOTQA wines together, on the same shelf.


GOSH has also learned that this use of the word NOT has been both endorsed and authorized by the Federal Government of Canada, to appear on all official documents.


Indeed, the funding grant given to Paroles Canada Words (the agency responsible for the creation and maintenance of Canadian words in play) plainly stipulates that wherever possible the words NOT and NE…PAS are to be both employed and enjoyed irrespective of actual meaning and circumstance.


More on this story as it develops……NOT

Chimo! AND